World Plant Milk Day and Dairy Week of Action

Posted on the 27th July 2017

This summer, Animal Aid is teaming up with Viva!, Veganuary, and ProVeg UK to launch a new joint initiative to highlight the suffering caused by the dairy industry and promote compassionate alternatives – World Plant Milk Day on 22 August. This will form part of a Dairy Week of Action that will take place from 21-28 August, and we need your help to make it a success.

We’re looking for volunteers around the country who can take action during that week to raise awareness of the plight of cows in the dairy industry and promote plant-based alternatives to milk. There are all kinds of things you could do, but here are a few suggestions to get you started:

  1. LeafletingOrder some of our This Little Calf… or It’s Time To Go Vegan leaflets and distribute them in your area. You could hand them out in your town centre, or post them directly through people’s letterboxes.
  2. Plant milk sample stall – Set up a small stall in your town, community centre or place of work and provide free samples of various plant-based milks for people to try, as well as information about veganism. It’s good to have a few different kinds as not everyone likes soya or oat milk.
  3. Letter to the editor – Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper about the suffering caused by the dairy industry and why people should choose one of the many delicious plant-based milks instead. You can download a template letter here.

If you need leaflets or other materials to help with your Dairy Week of Action event, please get in touch.

Dairy cows are amongst the most exploited farmed animals. They must endure repeated rounds of forced impregnation, only to have their calves taken from them almost as soon as they are born so that milk meant for them can be bottled for human consumption. They have been bred to produce increasingly unnatural quantities of milk, which causes them multiple health problems. Almost all are kept indoors for at least six months of the year, but more and more are never allowed outside as a result of zero grazing farming. And after five or six years of this, they are sent to the slaughterhouse because they are too exhausted to take any more. You can read more about the suffering of dairy cattle here.

The best way to help end this appalling animal cruelty is to ditch dairy and go vegan.

Order a FREE Go Vegan pack here

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