Two down, one to go… no bunny wants this

Posted on the 4th May 2022

Cruel plans for a rabbit meat and fur farm in Coleshill, Buckinghamshire have thankfully been thrown out. The appeal against the Council's decision was dismissed by the Planning Inspectorate who concluded that ‘The proposal would harm the character and appearance of the area, would fail to fully address ecological interests and would conflict with the development plan when taken as a whole.’

In the report they stated that the application
‘had received significant public response, of some 4,000 objections and several petitions against the proposed development.’

This news is hot on the heels of a similar dismissal for plans for the Mylor Bridge, Cornwall site. There is just one appeal now outstanding, that is for Atlow, Derbyshire, where our investigators uncovered rabbits seemingly confined alone, for hours on end in tiny hutches, unable to access the ground below to run, jump and play.

The public have spoken loud and clear. Many don’t want these rabbit meat and fur farms in their communities, nor elsewhere. Derbyshire Dales District Council have dismissed the plans and now we need to make sure the Planning Inspectorate, charged with making the appeal decision does not give this the green light.

To respond online click “Make Representation” in the top right of the page and follow the prompts on screen.
Or via email to
Include the appeal reference APP/P1045/W/21/3289734 plus your name and address in order for your representation to be valid.
Deadline 18th May.

Please be minded that animal welfare is unfortunately not considered a material consideration during review of planning applications. Please do however, feel free to mention your concerns in light of there being no species-specific legislation protecting the welfare of rabbits in the UK.

Please do feel free to take this as inspiration from Animal Aid’s submission but please form an objection in your own words, so that it is separately counted. Animal Aid objection Atlow, Derbyshire – appeal stage
Together we can stop these monstrous rabbit farms.

Object here

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