Their Christmas Wish
Their Christmas Wish refers to the lucky turkeys who get to live out their lives free from harm in rescue centres. Their Christmas Wish aims to ensure as many people as possible have a cruelty-free Christmas dinner, to spare turkeys just like them from suffering and death.
Christmas should be a time of peace and goodwill to all – including animals. Every year, millions of turkeys are slaughtered for Christmas dinners in the UK. The majority of these animals would have spent their short lives on factory farms, before being transported to the slaughterhouse and facing a brutal and terrifying death.
Turkeys are amazing animals – here’s a few things you may not know…

Their Christmas Wish shines a light on the lucky turkeys who now live their lives free from harm at animal sanctuaries.
Silver was destined to be raised on a factory farm. Thankfully, a worker took pity on her upon discovering that she had been born with a facial deformity.
Audrey and Maria
Audrey and Maria were destined to be slaughtered for Christmas dinners, back in 2018, but they were lucky enough to be rescued by Tower Hill Stables Animal Sanctuary, where they will spend the rest of their lives, living free from harm.
It has never been easier to have a cruelty-free Christmas, with every major supermarket now having huge plant-based festive ranges, and so many recipes available online! In fact, we’re here to help.
By signing up to support Their Christmas Wish you will receive a FREE copy of Animal Aid’s Have a Very Vegan Christmas! booklet, which is full of festive recipes, Christmas shopping tips, animal-friendly Christmas treats, and more!