Animal farming

Each year in the UK, an estimated 1.2 billion land animals are killed for food.  This figure doesn’t include fish and other aquatic species, who are killed in such vast numbers that they are counted in tonnes, rather than individuals. Some estimates of the number of fish and shellfish killed exceed 5 billion per year in the UK.

The vast majority of the UK’s farmed animals (around 1 billion) are confined to factory farms, which are a far cry from the fairytale farmyard scene that we’ve been raised to believe in. In these highly intensive systems, animals are reduced to mere units of production: they are bred to produce meat, eggs and milk as quickly and as cheaply as possible and given the bare minimum they need to survive.

But here’s the catch:

Whether they are reared in factory farms or under so-called ‘higher welfare’ schemes, all farmed animals suffer for the food on our plates. They will all be denied the opportunity to perform natural behaviours, such as socialising, playing, and raising their babies; they will all be subjected to painful mutilations, confined to barren, unnatural conditions and, ultimately, slaughtered at a fraction of their natural lifespan.

With more vegan options than ever before, now is the time to ask ourselves: do we really want to contribute to the terror of animal farming?

Animal farming strips individuals of their value as individuals, as mothers, as friends and family members

Our latest campaign: Terror on Our Tables

Our biggest farming campaign to date, Terror on Our Tables, is launching in February 2025 and will confront the reality of dairy production in the UK. Stay tuned for campaign news, coming soon!

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Undercover investigations

Investigations are some of the hardest-hitting evidence we have to demonstrate the suffering inherent in animal farming. From RSCPA Assured to ‘Farmer of the Year’, our investigations have shown that there is no compassionate way to farm animals.

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Key reports and briefings

Animal Aid has produced a wide range of revealing and thoroughly researched reports and briefings on animal farming topics. Among areas covered are: factory farming and human health, the truth about ‘higher welfare’ products and the fishing industry.

See our reports

Campaign news