Click on the links provided in each section to view PDFs of the posters.
To order any of these resources, simply email us. Please be sure to include your postal address.
Animal Experiments
- Lab Animals Need Your Help A3 size Available online for download only
- Medical research: Support compassion not suffering A4 size Available online for download only
- Why love one but eat the other? A2 and A4 size
- What do vegans eat? A2 and A4 size
- Vegan Nutrition Poster A3 size
- Vegan Example Meal Plan A4 size
- Student Vegan Shopping List A4 size
Horse Racing
- Legbreakers. You Bet. They Die. A2 size
Other issues and general animal rights
- Animals and Us Educational wallchart for young people A2 size
- Sentenced to Death! Help save the ruddy duck – OUT OF STOCK – Campaign again the ruddy duck cull A2 size