Thank you for all your support in 2021!

Posted on the 7th January 2022

Despite extremely difficult times for everyone, you helped us achieve so much for animals in 2021.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that we could not do our work to help animals without you, our wonderful supporters. Looking back on the year helps us to take stock, feel proud of what we have done and strengthen our resolve to do even more this year.


From supporting schools and teachers by providing free school talks and teaching materials, to launching our new anti-snaring campaign, blocking plans for rabbit fur farms, having our undercover footage featured in a prime-time BBC1 documentary, getting extensive press coverage on the use of animals in Christmas displays, and providing amazing vegan goods via our online shop, 2021 was a truly successful year.


2021 End of Year Infographic - Click to enlarge
2021 End of Year Infographic – Please click to enlarge


We have huge and exciting plans for this year and we hope we can count on your continued support. So, once again, thank you to everyone who signed petitions, leafleted, campaigned online, gave school talks, supported our work by shopping at our shop (did you know that proceeds from our shop get channelled back into our campaigning work?), and, became members of Animal Aid. You’re amazing!


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