Success for The Festive Events Campaign!

Posted on the 12th January 2024

Animal Aid, Born Free Foundation, OneKind, Freedom For Animals and all of our wonderful supporters were incredibly busy in 2023 working on behalf of captive reindeer across the UK.

After the release of a report commissioned by OneKind, detailing the many ways reindeer suffer at events (you can read more about that here), Animal Aid and ten other animal protection groups signed an open letter calling on event-organisers to cease using live reindeer in their festive celebrations.

Following this, the above organisations wrote to hundreds of event organisers and local authorities with the open letter.

Image of the open letter.

And we have some good news!


44 events that used live animals between 2018-2022 did NOT use animals in their 2023 Christmas calendar!


Additionally, 109 events that used live animals between 2018-2022 did not confirm that they went animal-free this year. However, they did not advertise animal use, nor did any evidence from these events suggest animal use.


Furthermore, we are confident that 153 event organisers who used animals in their events between 2018-2022 went animal-free in 2023!

These statistics show that our campaign is really making a difference.

To find out how to help support this campaign, please click here.

A big thank you to Freedom For Animals, OneKind and Born Free Foundation for their amazing work on this campaign. We will continue to work together towards animal-free events during 2024!


Thank you to John Aron Photography for the cover photo.

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