Snares – countrywide ban now!

Posted on the 24th October 2024

After years of campaigning, we are so very close to a countrywide ban on snares. England is now the only place in Britain where snares are still permitted – after the governments of Wales and Scotland stepped up and banned their use.

The government has promised to ban snares in England, so we are hopeful that this will happen. But we need your collective voice to let all MPs know that the ban needs to happen now!

Animals in England – both wild and domestic – face the most horrific and terrifying ordeal posed by snares. It seems incredible that they are even still permitted – a wire loop which is intended to trap an animal by their neck until the person who set the snare returns to kill them, if they have not already died. Of course, the snared animal will not just sit patiently waiting for their end – they will resist, struggle, panic and desperately try to escape, sometimes biting at their own bodies as the thin wire cuts through their skin and muscles. They suffer the most appalling injuries as they try and escape, in vain. If they do escape, they can die much later from their injuries.

These wicked devices are still used by the shooting industry, solely to “protect” the birds they intend to shoot for “sport” – the millions of sentient, beautiful birds who are doomed to be used as live targets.

This outrage must stop.

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