See our campaign in your local Lush store before 30th August!

Posted on the 25th August 2021

Animal Aid have teamed up with HIT and NASC to promote our anti-snaring campaign in the windows of Lush stores across the country!

We’re so excited to let you know that we are working with Lush until 30th August to promote our campaign to get snares band. Lush will have posters promoting our campaign in the windows, along with QR codes that customers can scan to sign the government petition to ban snares.

Sign the petition

On Saturday 21st we hosted an event at Lush’s flagship store on Oxford Street to raise awareness of our campaign. This included aerial hoop dancers who performed a routine to represent animals being caught in snares, and the horror that they experience. Animal Aid staff attended and encouraged members of the public to sign the government petition to ban snares.

The campaign will be in Lush windows up and down the country until 30th August, so please do pop in and send us photos of our poster in your local Lush store, we’d love to see them!

Sign the petition

What are snares?

A snare is a thin, wire noose. They are ‘set’ by people, with the aim that they will catch certain animals – foxes and rabbits – by the leg or the neck. The snare setter wishes to ‘control’ these wild animals, usually because they think the animal will damage their crops or the animals they are producing, and so they want to kill the ‘pests’.


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