Scotland is considering a ban on snares!

Posted on the 30th August 2023

Within days of the ban on snares in Wales receiving Royal Assent, thus making it law, the Scottish Government has announced the launch of a Consultation on the use of snares in Scotland.

The Scottish Government responded to the wider, ongoing review of the issue, stating that “… we believe that there is sufficient evidence to show that use of snares can lead to unacceptable levels of suffering for wild animals. Further, even where snares are used in strict accordance with the conditions set out in the 1981 Act, they remain, by their nature, indiscriminate and as such they pose an unacceptable risk to non-target species including other wildlife and domestic species such as cats.” It concluded, “Banning the use of snares will ensure that the Scottish Government continues to meet its commitments to uphold the highest standards of animal welfare.”

TV presenter and wildlife expert, Chris Packham, welcomed the move, saying “These torture devices ought to have been banned a long time ago and I’m glad that the Scottish Government has finally recognised snares for the unacceptably cruel traps that they are.”

Green MSP Ariane Burgess said: “Trapping animals in snares is cruel, barbaric and needs to end. These traps can inflict deep wounds, internal organ damage and death. There is simply no excuse for this to still be happening in a modern Scotland, where we know we need to protect our wildlife, not eradicate it. Thousands of snares and traps litter Scotland’s countryside and indiscriminately kill, maim and wound our wildlife. Up to 70 per cent of animals caught in snares are not the species the traps were set for … I welcome that the Scottish Government is moving closer to a ban and would urge as many people as possible to take part in the consultation.”

The Scottish Government is seeking to bring in the ban at Stage 2 of the Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill. Working alongside our friends and colleagues in Scotland, we will be issuing advice for anyone who would like to participate in the Consultation, in order to give the strongest possible chance for a total ban to be achieved – so please watch this space.

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