A new report published by the World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF) has concluded that eating processed meat – such as bacon, sausages and ham – increases the risk of developing stomach cancer.
The organisation has previously stated that people should avoid processed meats due to their known links to bowel cancer, a position now adopted by the World Health Organization as well.
The WCRF study concluded that there was ‘strong evidence’ that eating 50g or more of processed meat per day increased the risk of developing stomach cancer, and that eliminating it from diets could save hundreds of lives annually. Around 7,000 people in the UK develop stomach cancer each year, with around 5,000 dying from the disease. Researchers also stated that there was ‘some evidence that suggests consuming grilled or barbecued meat and fish increases the risk of stomach cancer’, whilst diets high in fruit and vegetables, especially citrus fruits, were associated with a much lower risk.
Drinking alcohol and being overweight were also identified as key risk factors in developing stomach cancer.
Animal Aid’s No Safe Limit campaign is calling for a ban on the sale of processed red meat to children, for packaging to carry health-warning labels and for an end to such products being served in hospitals. A 2015 Freedom of Information request found that all but one NHS hospital trust currently serves processed red meat to patients.
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