Petition to Stop a Goose Cull

Here are some tips to help you create a petition against a cull in your area:

  • You can create a free petition online, for example on
  • Keep the text of the petition short, to the point and easy to understand, as people don’t always have a lot of time. We have some suggested wording below. 
  • Be polite. People will be put off by rude or offensive petitions, even if they’re sympathetic to the goals you’re trying to achieve.  
  • Ask someone to spellcheck and proofread it or send it to us and we’ll help. 
  • Share your petition as widely as possible with friends and family and in as many online groups as you can. 
  • You could add a picture you have taken of a goose in your area. If you don’t have any, there are websites which offer royalty-free pictures, such as Pixabay.   

Here is some suggested wording for your petition (please amend in line with the information you have):

Title: Stop [Name of organisation]’s plans to cull Geese!

Please help us oppose [whose] plans to cull geese at [location].

Methods used to cull geese, such as trapping and shooting, are cruel and can cause terrible suffering. Geese generally mate for life and may pine for many months following the loss of their mate. Shooting also poses a risk to other wildlife in the area.

As well as being cruel, killing geese does not work, so it is a waste of resources. If there is a good source of food in an area and the environment remains attractive, more geese will quickly move into the area to replace those who have been killed.

There are many cost-effective humane alternatives to culling geese. These include obstructing access to water with fencing or plants and using deterrents such as balloon-kites.

I have emailed [who] with details of humane, non-lethal alternatives to culling. Please contact them too at [add email] and share this petition as widely as possible.

Thank you.

Add other details if you have them, for example, when the cull is likely to take place, if you know what methods they will be using, how many birds are likely to be targeted, do children and others enjoy watching the geese. Â