
The suffering of farmed cattle

Dairy cows Want to go dairy-free? Order a FREE Go Vegan Pack The size of the total cattle herd in the UK – including both dairy and beef animals – is around 10 million. Of...

Posted 25 Aug 2016


Human Tissue Research

It is a poor reflection on the scientific community that every year in Britain hundreds of thousands of animals are bred and killed, for their tissues or organs to be used in experiments, when an...

Posted 10 Aug 2016



Attempts to transplant animal tissues into the human body (xenotransplants) have a long history. During the 17th century, transfusion of animal blood into human recipients proved so hazardous that the development of life-saving blood transfusions...

Posted 10 Aug 2016


Genetics – an introduction

Genes are fundamental to life and help determine the characteristics of bacteria, plants and animals. In people there are approximately 20,000 - 25,000 genes. They are incorporated into the body's cells and are composed of...

Posted 10 Aug 2016



How many animals are used and for what? 3.87 million animals were used for the first time in procedures completed in 2016 and a total number of 3.94 million ‘procedures’ were completed. Due to the...

Posted 10 Aug 2016