
Statement on the June 2017 General Election

After the recent General Election results and the events that have followed, it is unclear exactly what the outcome will mean for animals in the UK, but Animal Aid remains firmly committed to pressing the...

Posted 09 Jun 2017

a variety of animals

Too Many Races for Too Many Diamonds

With 76 race horses killed racing this year so farÂą, it would be expected that the regulator, the British Horseracing Authority, would be doing all it could to prevent horses from being raced too frequently...

Posted 31 May 2017


Where do parties stand on animal protection?

With the general election fast approaching, we thought you might like to compare the main parties’ policies on animal issues. We have summarised their policies below.

Posted 25 May 2017

Animals have friends image

Speak out for animals in the General Election!

Please note - this page relates to the 2017 general election - keep an eye on our Homepage and our social media accounts for new campaign actions for the 2024/25 General Election.

Posted 11 May 2017

Animals have friends image

London fox cull halted after public outcry

A London estate agent’s plan to cull a family of foxes who have taken residence on the grounds of an apartment block which the agents manage has been halted, following an outcry by local residents....

Posted 05 May 2017

Fox cub by Don Sutherland CC BY-NC-ND 2.0