What a year it has been! With your support, 2024 has been one of our busiest years to date.
Ahead of the general election, Animal Aid led the Votes for Animals campaign, which resulted in the Labour party including an end to animal testing in their manifesto – a commitment to which we are holding them!
We have also seen the Scottish government ban the use of snares – following years of heavy campaigning from Animal Aid, and other wonderful animal activist groups. Now the use of snares is banned in Wales and Scotland, so we will be doubling our efforts to push for a UK-wide ban.
Animal Aid is a small team of committed animal advocates, but our work has far-reaching impacts – and we simply couldn’t have done it without you. Whether you signed a petition; shared our social media posts; ordered leaflets and organised your own local outreach; donated to our campaigns; volunteered as a school speaker, or ordered from our lovely online shop, you have helped us to create lasting change for animals.
View our Year in Review here.
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