
There’s nothing ‘glorious’ about the twelfth

The grouse shooting season, which starts today (the so-called Glorious Twelfth), runs until 10 December. Here are a few of the many reasons why this bird-killing festival is nothing to celebrate.

Posted 12 Aug 2013

Badger ‘battle bus’ comes to Gloucestershire

On Friday 19th and Saturday 20th April, Animal Aid’s Battle Bus will be visiting Gloucestershire to urge residents to vote for badger-friendly candidates in the forthcoming local elections. The ‘bus’ – actually a converted ambulance...

Posted 04 Aug 2013

Challenge animal experiments

Newspapers routinely carry article about supposed ‘breakthroughs’ in the medical world, hopes for new treatments and studies revealing ‘groundbreaking’ results. These reports often include glib mentions of ‘research on animals…’ and, most frequently, ‘experiments on...

Posted 27 Jun 2013