
Time to install CCTV cameras in animal research labs

In the light of yet more evidence of incompetence, cruelty and regulatory breakdown suffered by animals in UK laboratories, Animal Aid is stepping up its campaign to have CCTV installed in establishments that conduct animal...

Posted 17 May 2013

March for the badgers!

The campaign to protect badgers from the government-sanctioned cull continued with a march in London on June 1st. Organised by London Against the Cull and supported by many animal protection organisations, including Animal Aid, marchers...

Posted 14 May 2013

Badger flash mob

Today (May 1st) Animal Aid joined a flashmob organised by Lush, to dance and sing our protest against the badger cull outside Defra's offices.

Posted 01 May 2013

Badger Battle Bus on tour

Last week, Animal Aid’s Badger Battle Bus visited Gloucestershire to urge residents to vote for badger-friendly candidates in the forthcoming local elections.

Posted 22 Apr 2013

Two people die in new bird flu outbreak

A strain of bird flu virus that has not previously been reported in humans has killed two people in China and four more remain critically ill.

Posted 11 Apr 2013

Dutch could ban all ‘sport’ shooting

Animal Aid has campaigned hard against the shooting of ‘game birds’ for sport for 15 years, gathering evidence through undercover filming and publishing several reports that make evident the wholesale cruelty and environmental damage involved.

Posted 11 Apr 2013

Panda prison

The big unrequited ‘love story’ of the spring was that of Edinburgh zoo’s giant pandas, Tian Tian and her fellow captive Yang Guang.

Posted 06 Apr 2013