
Challenge animal experiments

Newspapers routinely carry article about supposed ‘breakthroughs’ in the medical world, hopes for new treatments and studies revealing ‘groundbreaking’ results. These reports often include glib mentions of ‘research on animals…’ and, most frequently, ‘experiments on...

Posted 27 Jun 2013

‘Best practice’ for badger cull announced

Defra and Natural England – the coalition government’s delivery agency for the badger cull – have issued an impossible dream sheet for the guidance of marksmen licensed to kill badgers in the ill-conceived bovine TB...

Posted 20 Jun 2013

Britain exports TB-infected meat

The carcasses of British cows who were infected with bovine TB (bTB) are being exported to France, Holland and Belgium, an article in The Sunday Times has revealed. These countries have been officially declared free...

Posted 08 Jun 2013

Government set to kill badgers

Today, the government defeated an Opposition Day Debate motion (‘This House believes the badger cull should not go ahead’) by 299 to 250, in what was described as a ‘heavily whipped’ vote. Had MPs been...

Posted 05 Jun 2013

Ecotricity supports team badger

Today, the Stroud-based green energy supplier, Ecotricity, has pledged its support to Team Badger and spoken out strongly against the cull. Dale Vince, Ecotricity founder, said: ‘I fully support Team Badger in their efforts in...

Posted 04 Jun 2013