
Make going vegan your New Year’s resolution

The chances are, you probably overdid it this Christmas. A few too many mince pies, perhaps, or an overload of chocolate? Going vegan this New Year is a great way to start turning things around....

Posted 05 Jan 2015

Casual brutality of chicken catching exposed

A new undercover film, which shows chickens being grabbed four at a time by their frail legs, kicked and thrown yards into already-packed crates before they go to slaughter, has been released by Animal Aid.

Posted 17 Dec 2014

Vote for Animals recognised as a ‘best new website’

We are delighted to report that Animal Aid’s new political website, Vote For Animals, has been recognised as a ‘best new website’ by influential specialist journal, Web User magazine. We can do no better than...

Posted 15 Dec 2014

Official report reveals horrific suffering at UK lab

A report released by the government department responsible for inspecting animal laboratories has revealed that more than 1,000 animals died in appalling conditions at a single UK establishment after a ventilation system failed. In another...

Posted 10 Dec 2014

Southwell Racecourse continues to be lethal to horses

Southwell Racecourse witnessed yet another equine fatality on 2 December when seven-year-old Landerbee (IRE) was destroyed after breaking his leg in a ten-horse hurdle race on the venue’s National Hunt course.

Posted 04 Dec 2014

Research charities must now swear pro-vivisection public oath

The Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC), the sector’s key representative body, has told its 133 members that, from November 20, they must publicly declare their support for vivisection if they wish to remain within...

Posted 20 Nov 2014