
Culling badgers ‘won’t control Bovine TB’

Computer modelling by the universities of Warwick and Cambridge has accurately reproduced the spread of bovine TB and the number of cases. Furthermore, the study, which has been published in Nature, has concluded that culling...

Posted 03 Jul 2014

‘They just want to cull badgers’

A member of the Independent Expert Panel – the body charged with assessing the humaneness and effectiveness of the badger culls – has spoken out strongly against the government’s culling policy.

Posted 24 Jun 2014

Crustaceans feel anxiety

New research – in which crayfish were stressed using mild electric shocks – indicates that the species experiences anxiety. This adds to a growing body of evidence that decapod crustaceans (lobsters, crabs, prawns and crayfish)...

Posted 13 Jun 2014

Full text of SNP reply

1) The SNP want to see the development of an infrastructure of regional slaughterhouses, through rural development support and a revision of state aid rules, which will reduce the need to transport animals long distances...

Posted 21 May 2014

Vivisectors’ concordat a public relations ploy

Animal Aid has dismissed a ‘concordat on openness’, signed by 72 practitioners or advocates of animal research, as a manoeuvre to boost dwindling public confidence in vivisection and how it is regulated.

Posted 14 May 2014

Correct way to hold laboratory mouse