
Vote for animals social media images

There is just one week to go until the election, and the outcome is a matter of life and death for many animals. Please share our website far and wide on your social networks.

Posted 01 May 2015

Hospital food – a receipt for sickness

Hospital food has a notorious reputation and has been the target of numerous tabloid newspaper and celebrity chef backed campaigns to improve standards. But all of these initiatives have failed to tackle two significant issues...

Posted 29 Apr 2015

Animal suffragettes march to Parliament

Today, Animal Aid campaigners are marching to parliament – alongside colleagues from Lush, the League Against Cruel Sports and Save Me – to highlight the importance of considering animal protection measures when voting on May...

Posted 23 Apr 2015

Aintree claims a second victim after the event

The 2015 Aintree Grand National meeting has claimed its second victim. Balder Succes was destroyed on Sunday morning, two days after a serious fall in Friday’s Melling Chase. The 7-year-old gelding injured his right shoulder...

Posted 12 Apr 2015

Another blow for the pro-vivisection lobby

An article that appeared in the Guardian Weekly has strongly criticised the use of mice as ‘models’ of human disease. Interviewing scientists from the National Institutes of Health and Harvard Medical School, it describes how...

Posted 20 Mar 2015