
End of this year’s badger slaughter

Reliable reports suggest that this year’s round of badger culls are to end today (October 14). The culls, which were taking place in West Somerset, West Gloucestershire and Dorset, were intended to kill up to...

Posted 14 Oct 2015

October 1: Start of the pheasant shooting season

Every year, more than 40 million pheasants are intensively reared to be released for shooting … and the four-month killing season starts today. Animal Aid is as determined as ever to build support for a...

Posted 01 Oct 2015

Bloodsports’ tiny following

We are often fed rhetoric from the shooting and hunting fraternities claiming that there is an ever growing interest in their pastimes. However, a new survey conducted by Natural England (NE) shatters this carefully cultivated...

Posted 04 Sep 2015

Bovine TB: a new round of badger slaughter begins

The government has today (28 August) announced the scale of a new round of badger killing as the central plank of its anti-bovine TB campaign. In West Somerset a maximum of 524 badgers can be...

Posted 28 Aug 2015

Dairy crisis shows industry is unsustainable

Dairy farmers have been grabbing headlines in recent days and weeks with a series of high-profile protests over falling milk prices that have included buying up all the milk on supermarket shelves and even taking...

Posted 12 Aug 2015

United against grouse shooting

From the 12 August, a minority of wealthy, idle ‘sporting’ types will be ferried to grouse butts on some of the country’s most beautiful upland areas. There, they will laze until beaters scare hundreds of...

Posted 31 Jul 2015