
Good news on snares in Scotland!

Yesterday, 7 February 2024, the Scottish Parliament’s Rural Affairs and Islands Committee met to discuss Stage 2 amendments to the Wildlife Management and Muirburn (Scotland) Bill.

Posted 08 Feb 2024

fox in grass

Valentine’s Day: Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve

This coming Valentine’s Day, we are asking everyone to take compassionate action by Wearing Your Heart on your Sleeve – that is, to commit to a positive action on Valentine’s Day, but also to be...

Posted 07 Feb 2024

Animal Aid Defends Anti-Shooting Adverts

In response to a complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) over an Animal Aid advert that ran in the Big Issue, Animal Aid has written to the ASA giving details to fully substantiate the...

Posted 05 Feb 2024

Success for The Festive Events Campaign!

Animal Aid, Born Free Foundation, OneKind, Freedom For Animals and all of our wonderful supporters were incredibly busy in 2023 working on behalf of captive reindeer across the UK.

Posted 12 Jan 2024

A reindeer at a festive event.