
No appetite for rabbit farming in the UK.

Help stop a rabbit meat and fur farm gaining permission to set up in Cornwall. The determination deadline for this application has now passed, but objections are still being registered. Please send an objection today,...

Posted 26 Feb 2021

Covid vaccines and veganism

As the covid-19 vaccine roll-out program continues, we’ve had enquiries from some of our supporters asking what is in the vaccine, whether you can still have the vaccine if you are an ethical vegan and...

Posted 15 Feb 2021

covid vaccine

Coca-Cola cancels fox cull!

Earlier this week it emerged that Coca Cola was planning a mass fox cull at their factory site in Sidcup. However, Coca-Cola agreed to stop the cull permanently after South London Hunt Saboteurs, campaigners and...

Posted 12 Feb 2021