
Inspirational Reindeer Champions of 2021

We would like to thank all our supporters who have used their voices to speak out on behalf of the reindeer and other animals used in festive events this year. We are so grateful to...

Posted 07 Dec 2021

Ground-breaking news for crustaceans and molluscs

A new government report confirms what many of us knew or suspected all along, namely that cephalopods (such as octopuses, squid and nautilus) and decapod crustaceans (like crabs, lobsters, prawns and crayfish) can feel pain....

Posted 24 Nov 2021

A breakthrough for Wales

After many years of campaigning for mandatory CCTV for all UK slaughterhouses, we have a breakthrough to share! The Welsh Government has finally set a date for the introduction of mandatory CCTV for all Welsh...

Posted 15 Nov 2021