
John Lewis staff revolt over pheasants

11 letters on John Lewis's involvement in pheasant shooting are published in the store group's house magazine, ten of them strongly anti the firm's involvement in the bloodsport.

Posted 01 Nov 2000

John Lewis letters

Correspondence between the John Lewis Partnership and Animal Aid. See the excuses their chairman makes and how we answer them.

Posted 01 Nov 2000

Terrible despair of animals cut up in the name of research

This article by Lucy Johnston and Jonathan Calvert appeared in the Daily Express, on 21st September 2000. It is based on the 'Diaries of Despair' report published by Dan Lyons of Uncaged Campaigns. The Diaries...

Posted 21 Sep 2000

Heroes to receive Animal Pride awards

Eleven year old cancer survivor, Kerry Halpin, is deaf; her dog called Fox is blind. But, as Kerry's mother puts it, 'together they make a whole', especially in the support they give mum at her...

Posted 29 Jun 1999

RSPB target of week of action

Animal Aid is to launch a Week of Action in protest against the government's planned slaughter of thousands of ruddy ducks.

Posted 02 Mar 1999