
Broadcasting bias – letter of complaint to the BBC

The BBC's Today radio programme, in breaking the news that Cambridge University was abandoning plans for a massive primate centre, helped set the tone for the press and broadcast coverage that followed. The tone was...

Posted 01 Feb 2004

Back in the dock – BUAV launches Cambridge challenge

Following the joint Animal Aid/NAVS High Court challenge to John Prescott, the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV) has launched its own important case in which the government and Cambridge University are again...

Posted 01 Jan 2004

Dolly debts – PPL Therapeutics count the cost

PPL Therapeutics, the company behind Dolly the Sheep and other cloning techniques, has put itself up for sale. Chief executive Geoff Cook and four other directors have resigned.

Posted 01 Dec 2003

Primate experiments – a doctor speaks out

The following powerful endorsement of the growing scientific opposition to experiments on primates appeared in the Daily Telegraph on 30th September 2003. It is written by the Telegraph's leading health writer, Dr James Le Fanu.

Posted 30 Sep 2003

Unnatural animal acts a turn off

A Coalition of leading animal welfare groups supported by millions people have attacked Granada and ITV over a new animal reality TV programme.

Posted 23 Sep 2003

Horse experimenters win Mad Science awards

Animal Aid's Mad Science Awards (AAMSAs) - handed out each August for pointless and grotesque scientific research - this year go to research teams from 14 establishments who conducted invasive experiments on horses.

Posted 14 Aug 2003

Ruddy protests come to Scotland

Two days of Scottish protests will be staged on the 13th and the 14th August against the government's decision to eradicate the entire UK population of ruddy ducks - many of them located in Scotland.

Posted 13 Aug 2003

Duck secret revealed – Spanish white-heads ‘impure’

A major report has shot holes in the government's supposed justification for its planned extermination of Britain's 6,000 ruddy ducks. The following article from The Times, 19 July 2003, by Spanish correspondent David Sharrock, reveals...

Posted 19 Jul 2003