
‘It works because we say so…’

On March 31, Portsmouth South MP, Mike Hancock, asked an apparently innocuous parliamentary question of the Home Secretary. 'What recent research', Hancock wanted to know, had his Department 'commissioned and evaluated on the efficacy of...

Posted 01 Jun 2004

3R plans a ‘sop’

Animal Aid statement in response to the government's plans for a new 3Rs centre

Posted 21 May 2004

Today in The Times – Animal Aid win BBC apology

The BBC governors have rebuked the makers of Radio 4's Today programme and ordered them to apologise to Animal Aid Director Andrew Tyler for the way it edited a recorded interview with him that was...

Posted 01 Apr 2004

Racing debate – head to head with the lobbyist

Animal Aid Director Andrew Tyler went head to head with leading horse racing lobbyist, Brough Scott, in The Guardian newspaper, Saturday April 3, 2004. Read their exchange below.

Posted 01 Apr 2004

A hiding to nothing

Major report shows that whipping horses reduces their chances of winning

Posted 31 Mar 2004

Making mistakes – apology from the BBC

BBC Radio 4's Today programme broke the news in January that Cambridge University was abandoning its plans for a massive primate research centre. This followed years of campaigning against the project - at the centre...

Posted 01 Mar 2004