
Should the Grand National be axed for being too cruel?

From The Guardian (05/04/06): With thirty horses having died at Aintree since 1997, is it time the National was scrapped for being too cruel? Andrew Tyler, Director of Animal Aid, says yes. Peter Webbon, Chief Executive...

Posted 05 Apr 2006

Oxford protest in favour of labs: ignorance on parade

Saturday's Oxford demonstration in favour of animal research was yet another opportunity for vivisection proponents to shut off all intelligent assessment of their cruel and scientifically bogus activities. This was accomplished by invoking the spectre...

Posted 01 Mar 2006

Shooters put cats, eagles, otters on list of rural pests

A recent edition of Shooting Times magazine carried a three-page article on Britain's 30 Most Wanted Pests. These are animals who interfere with the production of 'gamebirds' and fish for so-called sport shooting and for...

Posted 01 Feb 2006