
The John Lewis shooting club

For five months every year, the 25-strong department store group invites its staff to indulge in the perverse 'pleasure' of blasting pheasants from the sky. Around 200 birds are bagged daily at the firm's 3000-acre...

Posted 20 Jul 2006


A new group of Oxford University members and graduates called VERO (Voice for Ethical Research at Oxford) has sent an open letter to the Vice Chancellor of the University challenging its decision to build the...

Posted 06 Jul 2006

Animals: the Hidden Victims of War

This month, the Imperial War Museum in London launches The Animals' War - an exhibition commemorating the animals who have died in worldwide conflicts. To coincide with this, Animal Aid has produced a brand new...

Posted 01 Jul 2006

Animal Aid’s Commons challenge to race industry

Animal Aid's Director, Andrew Tyler, and its Horseracing Consultant, Dene Stansall, took the issue of the scandalously high levels of equine death and injury to the House of Commons last night when it debated the...

Posted 14 Jun 2006

New NHS funded study shows up animal testing shambles

A just released survey of animal research funded by the NHS provides damning evidence - says national campaign group Animal Aid - that animal experiments aren't just cruel, they don't appear to work. The report...

Posted 08 Jun 2006

Tax authorities close in on shooting industry cheats

HM Revenue and Customs have announced that they are closing in on the shooting industry, as a result of evidence of 'tax irregularities occurring across the country'. The agency will be making unannounced visits to...

Posted 27 Apr 2006