
Desert harvest

Animal Aid is at the centre of the debate over whether aid charities should donate live animals to people in poverty. The following coverage comes from New Scientist (October 27, 2001):

Posted 01 Jul 2005

Aintree event claims another equine victim

The tradition of horse deaths at the notorious Grand National three-day meeting continued at this year's event when Lilium de Cotte died on Friday after suffering a massive haemorrhage while running in the 5.30 John...

Posted 11 Apr 2005

Fowl play!

After the hunting ban comes a call to end the breeding of pheasants for 'sport shooting'.

Posted 01 Dec 2004

Hunting is banned!

At long last, after years of campaigning by groups opposed to bloodsports, MPs have passed legislation to 'abolish the hunting of wild animals with hounds'.

Posted 01 Nov 2004

Compassionate Christmas

Your guide to animal-friendly fashion, food and fun - stylish booklet available from Animal Aid, free of charge

Posted 16 Aug 2004