
Oxford protest in favour of labs: ignorance on parade

Saturday's Oxford demonstration in favour of animal research was yet another opportunity for vivisection proponents to shut off all intelligent assessment of their cruel and scientifically bogus activities. This was accomplished by invoking the spectre...

Posted 01 Mar 2006

Shooters put cats, eagles, otters on list of rural pests

A recent edition of Shooting Times magazine carried a three-page article on Britain's 30 Most Wanted Pests. These are animals who interfere with the production of 'gamebirds' and fish for so-called sport shooting and for...

Posted 01 Feb 2006

Government accused of failing to regulate animal research

The Home office is this week accused by Animal Aid of operating a 'permissive regime that allows an unacceptable degree of self-regulation by animal researchers who are sanctioned, literally, to maim, poison and kill'.

Posted 11 Jan 2006

Countryside Alliance fails ASA truth test

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has today ruled (December 7) that the Countryside Alliance (CA) made untruthful and unsubstantiated claims in its attempt to promote the alleged benefits of game shooting.

Posted 07 Dec 2005

Victory for Newchurch guinea pigs

Animal Aid welcomes news that Darley Oaks guinea pig farm in Newchurch, Staffordshire, intends to close at the end of the year.

Posted 01 Aug 2005