
Four deaths in just one day – three at Ludlow Racecourse

On Wednesday 6 February 2008, three horses were killed and another was seriously injured during the day’s racing at Ludlow. On the same day, Balmoral Star, a seven-year-old mare fell dead at Carlisle Racecourse.

Posted 08 Feb 2008

MOD to stop experiments on goats!

After years of conducting experiments on goats to determine the effects of extreme pressure and the ‘Bends’ on submarine crews, the MoD has bowed to pressure from MPs, the Southern Animal Rights Coalition and other...

Posted 07 Feb 2008

Squirrel massacre

Almost 12,000 grey squirrels have been poisoned to death or shot in the past year in a ‘cull’ funded by the government. The killings took place in Northumberland and were undertaken - it was said...

Posted 29 Jan 2008

Animal rights group to challenge monkey experiments in court

New undercover video footage once again exposes the appalling abuse to which animals are subjected in government-sanctioned research laboratories. Although filmed in Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science, equivalent ‘procedures’ are carried out in Britain and...

Posted 21 Dec 2007

Scenes of horror at Devon turkey farm

As shoppers prepare to fill their larders with seasonal fare, Animal Aid visited a randomly selected turkey farm: Torbay Turkeys in Devon. The scenes we witnessed and filmed were deeply disturbing.

Posted 11 Dec 2007

Guardian prints the case against horse racing

The argument against horse racing is attracting increasing media coverage. Even racing correspondents are finding it impossible to resist commenting on evidence of the death, injury and exploitation that are integral to the industry. Animal...

Posted 29 Nov 2007

What the Labour government have to say about shooting

Labour’s official parliamentary spokesman for shooting and angling, Martin Salter, signalled the new post-Hunting Act mood when he wrote in Labour’s 2005 document, Charter for Shooting: ‘As a political party, we want to go much...

Posted 20 Nov 2007