
Anti-Shooting Week tour – a brilliant response

Animal Aid's first ever National Anti-Shooting Week (22-28 September 2008) was tremendously successful and well-received – largely down to the enthusiasm and commitment of Animal Aid supporters across the country. With our mascot, Phileas the...

Posted 30 Sep 2008

Shooting industry in the dock

A 19-year-old gamekeeper who caught badgers in an illegal trap and then clubbed them to death has been spared jail. Kyle Burden, who also illegally shot buzzards, was sentenced on September 19 by Telford magistrates...

Posted 22 Sep 2008

Sandholme Farm, Thirsk, North Yorkshire

In March and April 2008, as part of a major investigation, Animal Aid visited 10 English pig farms spanning five counties: Cornwall, Somerset, Lincolnshire, North Yorkshire and East Riding of Yorkshire.

Posted 18 Jul 2008

Badgers spared – thank you Mr Benn!

On Monday 7th July, the DERA Secretary of State, Hilary Benn, announced that he has decided against a cull of badgers in England to control TB in cattle. Badgers in Wales, however, remain under threat.

Posted 04 Jul 2008

Animal suffering exposed on ‘Freedom Food’ farm

An RSPCA spokesman told Channel 5 News today (July 2 2008) that ‘the Society’s reputation is, to some extent, at stake’, following an Animal Aid undercover investigation of an RSPCA-approved Freedom Food (FF) chicken farm...

Posted 02 Jul 2008