
An open letter to Aberdeen City Council from Animal Aid

2nd March 2011 Animal Aid is appalled by the inhumane and shortsighted attitude of Aberdeen City Council towards the roe deer of Tullos Hill, and condemns the Council’s ultimatum to animal lovers: cough up the £225,000...

Posted 03 Mar 2011

Newbury deaths: why did vets give the ok to race?

The sudden deaths of two horses at Newbury Racecourse on Saturday – apparently from electrocution – has been widely reported. The victims were Fenix Two and Marching Song. Fenix Two was about to run his...

Posted 14 Feb 2011

Stop the Corvid cull

The Songbird Survival Trust – several of whose most prominent figures own shoots or have strong shooting connections – has called for a cull on corvids (magpies, crows, jackdaws etc). This is despite there being...

Posted 08 Feb 2011

Dog meat now promoted at UK farmers markets

Labrador steaks, leg of Greyhound, Afghan burgers, Dachshund sausages, Beagle chops, Chihuahua poppers…these are just some of the exotic meats being promoted at the new organic and free-range dog meat catering trailer that will set...

Posted 28 Oct 2010