
Badger cull announced

Welsh Assembly Rural Affairs Minister Elin Jones has today (25th March) announced a cull of badgers in West Wales. She said that there will be an ‘intensive action area’ covering 200 square kilometres in Pembrokeshire,...

Posted 25 Jan 2010

Grey squirrels do not harm woodland birds

Researchers from the British Trust for Ornithology and Natural England published this month results of a study into whether grey squirrels have a negative impact on 38 woodland bird species. Such an accusation has often...

Posted 25 Jan 2010

A million or more sheep face death in the snow

In November, we reported that, according to the farming trade press, hundreds, if not thousands, of sheep and cattle perished in the floods that battered Cumbria.

Posted 08 Jan 2010

Notes accompanying the Tom Lang Ltd slaughter footage

Part 1: Neck Dislocation Two of the slaughtermen dislocate the necks of stunned sheep immediately after ‘sticking’. We understand that this constitutes a breach of the Welfare of Animals (Slaughter or Killing) Regulations (WASK), Schedule...

Posted 11 Dec 2009

Swansea dog track closes

Swansea dog track in South Wales has closed less than two weeks after the owner was fined under the Animal Welfare Act for keeping greyhounds in poor conditions. Inspectors found dogs kept on soiled bedding,...

Posted 13 Nov 2009