
Why is it okay to eat cows, but not horses?

It was today revealed that beef burgers being sold in four British supermarkets were found to contain up to 30 per cent horse meat, causing shock and disgust amongst the British public. But Animal Aid,...

Posted 16 Jan 2013

Israel bans animal-tested products

Campaigners across the world have welcomed new legislation in Israel, which has banned the import and sale of any cosmetics, personal care or household products that have been tested on animals. Passed in 2010, the...

Posted 09 Jan 2013

New European vivisection law approved for UK

The new EU Directive governing animal experiments across the Union has passed its final hurdle en route to becoming UK law. Committee stage debates this month in both the Houses of Lords and Commons left...

Posted 18 Dec 2012

The misery of ‘free range’ turkeys

Very soon, millions of people across the UK will be eating turkey on Christmas day. Many will pay extra to ensure that their turkey is from a more ‘ethical’ source.

Posted 18 Dec 2012

Christmas treats from Redwood

And now for something completely different! Our lovely friends at the Redwood Wholefood Company gave us some advance samples of their special Christmas products to try at the Animal Aid office. These new items are...

Posted 30 Nov 2012

Wildlife law consultation

The Law Commission has been tasked with setting out a proposal to modernise and amalgamate all the laws relating to wildlife. It has produced a lengthy consultation paper, which sets out a series of propositions,...

Posted 26 Nov 2012

Unhappy Christmas for reindeer

As the Christmas season approaches, reindeer are being transported up and down the country to be used as entertainment in parades, ‘Santa’s grottos’ and other festive events. Such events attract large numbers of people, and...

Posted 20 Nov 2012

The government fails animals in circuses

The government has pushed through legislation to ‘regulate’ the use of wild animals in circuses via a new licensing scheme. The move comes despite massive public and parliamentary opposition.

Posted 16 Nov 2012