
Badger cull scrapped in Wales

Today, the Welsh Assembly Government has announced that the planned pilot cull of badgers in West Wales is to be scrapped and a five-year vaccination project will be trialled instead – an announcement greeted with...

Posted 20 Mar 2012

Demonstration held against Canada geese cull

On Saturday, local campaigners held a highly successful demonstration against the announcement by the Lake District National Park Authority (LDNPA) that it does intend to go ahead with a cull of 200 Canada geese on...

Posted 12 Mar 2012

Is the Canada geese cull legal?

Three weeks ago, Animal Aid asked the Lake District National Park Authority (LDNPA) for more information about the proposed cull of 200 Canada geese on Lake Windermere. As yet, the LDNPA has not responded to...

Posted 09 Mar 2012

Pro-shoot Green councillor brought into line

The Green Party has reiterated its fundamental opposition to bloodsports, following the publication in a leading regional newspaper of pro-shooting comments by a rogue councillor.

Posted 08 Mar 2012

RSPCA opposes Canada geese cull

'There appears to be little evidence that the geese are responsible for the damage, pollution and public health issues…’

Posted 01 Mar 2012

Bill Oddie speaks up for Windermere Geese

Just three days before a mass petition is to be handed in to the Lake District National Park Authority, the campaign to stop the planned cull of Canada geese on Windermere has received support from...

Posted 21 Feb 2012