
Calls for a mass deer cull

The University of East Anglia has conducted a study that, it says, highlights the need for massively increased culling of deer – up to 60 per cent of some species, and more than 750,000 animals...

Posted 07 Mar 2013

Badger cull announcement

The government has today affirmed its decision to allow a mass cull of badgers. The shooting will start in west Gloucestershire and west Somerset on June 1st. Dorset has been named as a ‘back-up’ area.

Posted 27 Feb 2013

700 deer to be killed

Hundreds of deer and their calves are due to be killed in Scotland before the end of the month simply to meet targets set by Scottish Natural Heritage. The deadline is just days away, and...

Posted 20 Feb 2013

Shocking new report and film expose GM mice lab experiments

Research programme is ‘frenzied, scientifically irrational and terrifyingly cruel’ Mice genetically programmed to suffer seizures, burst hearts and self-mutilation. They are poisoned with salt, injected with acid, forced to inhale tobacco smoke, given electric shocks For every...

Posted 13 Feb 2013

Horse meat scandal: just part of a far wider problem

First, there were widespread expressions of revulsion that the ‘cherished’ horse was ending up in beef burgers, but national newspapers were soon running jokes on the subject. Then came the neurotic self-interest and the blaming...

Posted 11 Feb 2013

Three horses dead in a single day of racing

Three horses died on British racecourses yesterday (4 February) – one broke his neck and two others their legs. One of the victims, Mujamead, desperate to keep contact with the rest of the runners, whom...

Posted 05 Feb 2013

National Wildlife Crime Unit (NWCU) safe for another year

Defra has announced that the National Wildlife Crime Unit (NWCU), which faced closure under government cuts, has had its funding secured for another year. Thank you to everyone who signed the petition and wrote to...

Posted 29 Jan 2013