
Badger cull to go ahead

The Badger Trust today lost its High Court bid to prevent the mass slaughter of badgers in England. The Trust had argued that: the cull will not prevent the spread of the disease and could...

Posted 12 Jul 2012

Home Office studies plan for CCTV in animal labs

A proposal for the introduction of CCTV cameras in animal research establishments, to monitor the care of animals, is under consideration by the Home Office. The plan has already been discussed at three recent meetings...

Posted 12 Jul 2012

Groups join forces to protest use of animals at Olympics

Animal Aid has joined with five leading animal protection groups to protest against the use of live animals in the Olympics opening ceremony. A joint letter has been sent to Bill Morris, Olympics Director of...

Posted 21 Jun 2012

Olympic ceremony could fall foul of animal welfare laws

Animal Aid has today written to Bill Morris, Director of Ceremonies of the London Olympics Organising Committee, urging him to end the planned use of live animals at the opening ceremony, and to remind him...

Posted 13 Jun 2012