National Farmers Union: shooting itself in the foot over Bovine TB

Posted on the 9th September 2013

The government and the NFU are creating more vegetarians and vegans with their deeply unpopular badger cull. At Animal Aid, we have received many messages from people who say that the cull has opened their eyes to UK farming practices, that they believe they have been duped by the farming industry and that they will change their eating and buying habits.

The latest email came this weekend from a man in the Somerset cull zone. Read his words here:

I have been fighting against the badger cull in our area of Somerset, writing emails to DEFRA, NFU, and our local MP. I have also been having strong words back & forth with a lot of farmers via Facebook. After numerous messages backwards & forth, and not getting my question answered, I just felt that the farmers on that page where in complete denial and only wanted to see things from their side. I decided to look into things elsewhere. I was shocked to say the least at what I found, and every day I am learning more and more. I came across your website. It was probably the video of the slaughterhouse that shocked me the most. Is this true?

I then read someone online that dairy cows live up to 20 years, however this isn’t true on dairy farms where they live to around 6 or 7 years. I feel angry at farmers as we are always being asked, ‘doesn’t anyone care about our cows? To us farmers they are like our family.’ I say this back, ‘would you send your family to the slaughter?’

I admit that I do eat some meat though was slowly trying to cut down anyway. However, the videos on your website have angered me and shocked me that much I felt physically sick, when I watched it. I now feel that a massive change in my life and came. So I would like to thank you for opening my eyes to this horrible, and barbaric act.

Well done with you work, I will now be a close follower.

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