Military horses bolt terrified through London again – this cruelty must end

Posted on the 1st July 2024

Once again, military horses have escaped and have been seen bolting through central London. On Monday (1st July), three horses from the Household cavalry raced through the city after one horse was spooked by a London bus. One of these horses was captured colliding with a car bonnet.

The country was horrified back in April by the sight of cavalry horses running terrified through central London covered in blood. It left many people questioning why the UK still has working horses in the city in 2024 – and whether this is safe or suitable. This second incident highlights that it is neither safe nor suitable. Frightened horses can cause significant damage to themselves and others – it is only a matter of time before someone is seriously hurt. In 2024, it is completely unnecessary, and unethical, for horses to be working in city centres. The negative impact the city environment and working regimes have on their wellbeing is undeniable.

Animal Aid has campaigned against routine animal abuse since 1977 and it is gratifying to see this public outcry and the concern for the safety and wellbeing of the horses involved. We would urge the public to also consider that around 200 horses every year are killed by the horse racing industry – and to speak up for these gentle, sensitive animals.

The three horses have reportedly all been captured and returned to barracks.

Notes for Editors

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