An East Midlands television programme was screened on 7 November about the cruelty of game bird shooting. Inside Out is a half hour regional current affairs programme which presents matters of public interest.
In this edition, the Inside Out team investigated pheasant rearing and shooting. Animal Aid’s own Shooting Consultant Kit Davidson contributed to the programme which featured video images and comment on the controversial raised laying cage installations. These contraptions, sometimes described as barren cages, will be made illegal for poultry in 2012, but not for pheasants. Animal Aid was responsible for first bringing the inhumanity of these barren cages to the attention of the British public and government.
One significant barren cage operator runs his business without planning consent in the MIdlands. Animal Aid has been active in assisting local residents to oppose the cages and obtain an enforcement notice from the planning authority for their removal.
You can watch the programme here on the Inside Out website.
Animal Aid conducted follow-up investigations into two other gamebird producers earlier this year. Please see the report and footage below.