Yesterday, the British Horseracing Authority’s (BHA) whip consultation steering group published its Whip Consultation Report. The 95-page report promises little to improve horse welfare and is a lost opportunity to effectively protect race horses.
Scientific studies have shown that horses experience pain in much the same way that humans do and that the whip does not offer an advantage within racing. This, combined with the obvious cruelty of beating an animal in the name of ‘sport’ has resulted in a strong public opposition to the whip in racing.
Groups that the BHA once considered allies are now openly criticising the regulator.
In response to the new Whip Report, the RSPCA stated:
‘After such an important review, and given the mountain of evidence of the harm done to horses, it is astonishing that the BHA could conclude that it is acceptable to continue to allow the whip in racing for purposes of so-called encouragement. It amounts to a failure of leadership by the regulatory body.’
And World Horse Welfare’s view is:
‘… we believe that the recommendation on whip use “to be used in a backhand position only,” while welcome, does not go far enough. We are clear that we want to see a move away from the use of the whip for ‘encouragement’ in horseracing on both welfare and ethical grounds. We simply do not believe its use is justified, especially in light of what we now know about what makes a good horse-human partnership.’
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