High Court action filed today by Brian May’s Save Me Organisation

Posted on the 26th November 2013

The controversial badger cull extension presently underway in the South West of England faces a new legal challenge with a High Court action filed today (26th Nov) by Brian May’s Save Me organisation.

Represented by leading Human Rights QC, John Cooper and Solicitor David Wells of Wells Burcombe Solicitors, Save Me has filed an ‘exceptionally urgent’ High Court Judicial Review Claim calling for an immediate halt to the culling presently operating under extended licence in Gloucestershire.

The Save Me claim names Secretary of State For Environment Food and Rural Affairs, DEFRA, and Natural England as defendants.

Says John Cooper QC ‘From the material I have seen already, it is clear that appropriate procedures have not been taken in relation to this action, which will inevitably lead to the destruction of more wildlife if the Government remains unchallenged. In all the circumstances and for the grounds we have set out, we assert that the decisions made by DEFRA, the Secretary of State and Natural England, separately and or cumulatively were unreasonable and should be immediately revoked.’

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