Happy World Vegan Day!

Posted on the 1st November 2018

1st November marks World Vegan Day, and the start of World Vegan Month.

In recent times veganism and plant-based eating has boomed, with many people either going vegan or reducing their animal product consumption by eating more plant-based foods. 

Here’s 5 reasons why you should consider going vegan!


2) It’s good for the planet!
The planet is in a desperate state, with researchers and scientists predicting that we are heading for ‘climate catastrophe’ if we don’t act now. One of the most significant changes scientists say we can make is to reduce our consumption of animal products. This is because animal farming is one of the biggest causes of greenhouse gas emissions, water pollution and deforestation globally. By going vegan you will doing your part in helping the planet.

3) It’s cheap!
Some of the cheapest foods available are vegan. We’re talking, beans, pulses, legumes, vegetables, fruits, potatoes, whole grains and things of that nature. Being vegan doesn’t mean you have to splash out on the fancy meat replacements (although they are delicious!). So you can do your wallet some good by opting for cheaper plant-based protein sources.

4) It’s healthy!
Every major dietician and nutritionist board/organisation in the world, including the British Dietetics Association and the American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, recognises that a balanced vegan diet is healthy and provides all of the nutrients one needs to live a happy healthy life. In addition, research shows that those following a plant-based diet suffer lower rates of diabetes, obesity, heart disease and certain types of cancer.

5) It’s delicious!
Going vegan doesn’t mean going without. You can now get vegan versions of all of your favourites – from ice-cream, to burgers, to chicken nuggets and beyond.

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