The Great Vegan Challenge: One month to go!

Posted on the 3rd October 2017

With just one month to go until the start of this year’s Great Vegan Challenge, here are five reasons why you should sign up.

1) It helps stop animal suffering

The production of meat, dairy, eggs and honey causes terrible animal suffering – and approximately one billion land animals are slaughtered every year in the UK. Animal Aid’s investigations have found that there is no such thing as humane slaughter, nor can farming be considered ‘humane’. By abandoning animal products, you will no longer be contributing to the callous animal suffering that goes on inside these industries.


2) It’s good for the planet

Animal farming is the biggest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions globally. It is also the leading cause of deforestation, species extinction, ocean dead zones and water pollution. Show that you care about the planet by eating a plant-based diet.

3) It’s cheap!

As well as being bad for the planet, and animals, meat and dairy products, like cheese, tend to be more expensive. So if you are on a budget, or are a student, opting for cheaper protein sources like beans, lentils, pulses and whole grains will not only save animals, but will do wonders for your bank balance.


4) You can still eat all of the foods you love

What’s your favourite meal? There’s a vegan version of that! Nowadays being vegan is so easy – you can still enjoy all of the foods that you do now, but without the animal suffering. Vegan versions of ‘chicken’ nuggets, sausages, ice-cream, and even steak are available in supermarkets, health food shops, and online!

5) It’s healthy

Studies have shown that those following a vegan diet have lower risks than meat eaters of developing illnesses and conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers.

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