Go Februdairy-Free!

Posted on the 5th February 2020

In an attempt to piggyback on the success of Veganuary, the dairy industry has once more attempted to push ‘Februdairy’, but it’s just another dairy industry failure. 

Three reasons why you should consider ditching dairy!

1) For the animals

The dairy industry is undeniably cruel. Dairy cows are forcibly impregnated, have their babies taken away from them and are strapped to milking machines. When their bodies are too worn out from this constant cycle, they are sent to slaughter, at around 5 or 6 years old. And when their babies are taken away from them, where do they go? Well, some – mainly the males who can’t produce milk – will be killed at birth, or sent abroad to be used in the veal trade. The females will usually have to suffer the same fate as their mothers.

And don’t forget, goats and sheep who are used for their milk also suffer in similar ways.

2) For the planet

Dairy farming is devastating for the environment. According to the Environment Agency, dairy farms are responsible for far more water pollution incidents than any other form of farming. Slurry from dairy farms can leak into rivers and streams where it kills fish and spreads disease.

As well as polluting water, dairy farms use large amounts of this precious resource. The amount of fresh water needed to create a litre of British cow’s milk is almost twice as much as is needed to make a litre of soya milk. For most other countries, the difference is even bigger. Methane and nitrous oxide are powerful greenhouse gases far stronger than carbon dioxide and are produced in huge quantities by dairy cows and their slurry. A recent report found that all dairy-free milk alternatives are better for the planet in terms of water use, land use and carbon emissions than dairy, with oat milk coming out on top.

3) For your health

There is nothing contained in cow’s milk that cannot be obtained from plant-based sources. See more information on plant-based nutrition.

With so many alternatives readily available, it has never been easier to swap dairy for cruelty-free, plant-based alternatives.

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