Fridays Ltd submits new plans for another large-scale egg farm in Kent

Posted on the 11th November 2020

A planning application has been submitted for a large-scale egg farm situated near Maidstone. This could hold more than 190,000 hens across three industrial sized sheds.

Fridays Ltd hopes to build ‘Wealden Woods Free Range Farm’ on land at Reed Court Farm at Chainhurst, near the village of Hunton.

Five years ago, together we successfully fought off Fridays’ previous plans, which were around a third the size of this new proposal. (Read an article about this success on Kent Online.)

In November 2020, we visited a Fridays unit at Combwell Farm to expose the terrible conditions at their so-called ‘higher welfare free-range’ farm. The images taken show hens with extensive feather loss, injured birds and several dead and decomposing birds left among the living. Conditions were extremely dirty with heavy dust and faeces accumulating, particularly around the nest boxes.

Residents in the Kent hamlet of Chainhurst have voiced concern that the £8m development takes in swathes of flood plain and threatens to pollute the River Beult. They have formed an action group called ‘We Love Chainhurst’.


We hope that you will once again join us in making your views heard, as we campaign for these new plans to be rejected by the Maidstone Borough Council.

The planning application for the proposed Wealden Woods ‘free-range’ farm development is now available to view and respond via the Maidstone Borough Council Planning Portal (

Planning Reference: 20/505751/EIFUL
Address: Reed Court Farm Hunton Road Marden Tonbridge Kent TN12 9SX
Proposal: Erection of a new free-range egg farm consisting of 3no. hen houses with extensive outdoor ranges and fencing, formal vehicle access from Hunton Road and associated parking, landscaping, woodland and tree planting, drainage and other associated works.

Objections and comments can be submitted by anyone who is concerned about a development, you do not need to live nearby. You can submit your response by:

Please note that despite our principal concern for the animals, welfare is not currently a consideration for planning decisions, so please use our guide to submitting a planning objection to help you to submit an effective objection. Please feel free to use our example letter to help you, but remember that an objection in your own words will be most effective.

Read the article about Fridays' proposed plans

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