NOW LIVE: Our biggest animal farming campaign ever!
Posted 12 Feb 2025
Posted on the 26th May 2010
Animal Aid has released a shocking new factory farming film featuring grim scenes shot secretly in randomly-selected farms across the UK during the last three years.
Scenes include young pigs looking for sustenance in a trough filled with faeces, and a bin full of dead sheep and lambs. These images support Animal Aid’s argument that modern animal farming presents a significant threat to human health, as well as an intolerable burden upon the animals themselves. The film is supported by a new booklet titled Is factory farming making you sick?
The following grim scenes feature in a new five-minute Animal Aid film.
The film was shot secretly in randomly-selected farms across the UK during the last three years. The images support Animal Aid’s argument that modern animal farming presents a significant threat to human health, as well as an intolerable burden upon the animals themselves. The film is supported by a new booklet called Is factory farming making you sick?, which succinctly describes 12 major diseases that start in factory farm settings but may go on to harm and even kill people. They include salmonellosis, campylobacter infection, BSE, bird flu and swine flu. Swine flu has killed more than 18,000 people around the world, while in the UK alone, it is estimated that salmonella and campylobacter are responsible for around 450,000 cases each year.
Is factory farming making you sick? was produced with the assistance of globally-recognised expert Dr Michael Greger, the Humane Society International’s Director of Public Health and Animal Agriculture. The 28-page, A5 booklet is available to the public free upon request and will be going out to agricultural and veterinary students across the country, as well as to politicians. The film can be viewed on YouTube as well as on the Animal Aid website.
During the summer, Animal Aid will visit cities throughout the UK to underline the health risks people face when they support an industry that profits from the exploitation of animals.
‘We must reconsider our treatment of our fellow sentient beings – not only because of the effect that their abuse and exploitation has on animal welfare, but also because of the negative health consequences for people, too. Each one of us can take a simple but important step to reduce the harm and hazard by adopting an animal-free diet.’
Posted 12 Feb 2025
Please ask your MP to sign a new Early Day Motion (EDM) which calls for the government to implement its promised ban on snares as soon as possible.
Posted 05 Feb 2025