Viva! Ban UK Factory Farming webinar (Online)
Thursday 15 Apr 21 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm

Should the UK become one of the first countries in the world to outlaw intensive farming methods?
Viva! invites you to ‘A Ban on UK Factory Farming’
Register here for the FREE event
Register here for the FREE event
Expert Virtual Roundtable with:

Factory farming inflicts suffering on approximately one billion land animals in the UK every year, all to create cheap meat, dairy and eggs. Factory farms provide ideal conditions for the spread and mutation of viruses. A OnePoll survey published earlier this year revealed some 85 per cent of Britons support an immediate ban on intensive farming methods.
Join some of Britain’s top experts to explore how we can protect animals and human health in the 2020s and beyond.
More about event location
Saint Paul's, Bristol BS2 8QH, UK
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