Plant-based cookery classes for children
Queensbury Methodist Church, HA8 5ND
Monday 06 Aug 18 - Friday 10 Aug 18 10:00 am - 12:30 pm

Summer holiday cookery classes: A Culinary Trip Around the World
Suitable for children from 8 to 13 years of age
Course description:
Now in their fifth year of running this unique and special series of hands-on cookery classes, Shambhu’s Chef, Nishma Shah, will expertly guide and inspire the young students, as they produce many delicious healthy meals, applying culinary styles from around the world, using only wholesome plant-based ingredients, together with various natural flavour-enhancing and healing spices and condiments.
These are very much hands-on cookery classes, and as such, they are always a fun, fulfilling and educational summer-holiday activity for children.
Different cusines offered each day of the week. Total 5-day course fee £135 or £30 per session. Priority will go to those booking the full course.